Consumer Behavior:Building Marketing Strategy (第12版)


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底下是 Consumer Behavior:Building Marketing Strategy (第12版) 的內容簡介

Consumer Behavior: Building Marketing Strategy provides students with a usable, strategic understanding of consumer behavior. The authors believe that knowledge of the factors that influence consumer behavior can, with practice, be used to develop sound marketing strategy. As a consequence, the text integrates theory, strategy-based examples, and application.

1.The 12th Edition has 9 new market segmentation schemes ranging from green marketing to technology to global luxury. This is an addition to the four segmentation schemes that were part of the 11th Edition.

2.Added Learning Objectives to all chapters and associated learning and teaching aid. Each chapter starts with a set of learning objectives linked to key learning outcomes which are then integrated throughout the text and in other learning and teaching resources.

3.30 new global examples


Del I. Hawkins

現職:University of Oregon

David L. Mothersbaugh

現職:University of Alabama

  • 出版社:華泰文化

    博客來網路書店 新功能介紹

  • 出版日期:2013/05/03
  • 語言:英文

商品網址: Consumer Behavior:Building Marketing Strategy (第12版)


美網》力克前世界雙打球后的第8種子 莊佳容台日組合晉女雙32強




莊佳容賽後也在臉書上說:「雖然對手今天沒有發揮出她們應有的水準,但如果沒有我們今天可圈可點的表現,想要拿下勝利還是會有難度的,所以對於今天積極和傑出的表現 兩組團隊們都感到相當的滿意!!!也非常感謝昨晚睡前幫團長打氣加油和今天前來加油的台灣朋友們喔。」

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Consumer Behavior:Building Marketing Strategy (第12版)


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